New York City Crane Collapses and Falls
As a result of Hurricane Sandy, New Yorkers watched a high-rise construction
crane dangling 75 stories above 57th Street, a sight many people cannot
forget. Unfortunately, crane collapses and falls in New York City are
not that rare. Construction site work involving cranes often exposes workers
to severe injuries and death. At Rubenstein & Rynecki, our attorneys
work closely with construction site workers and passers-by to help them
recover compensation when other parties are liable for a
construction accident.
Five years ago, New York City considered crane accidents such a threat
that inspectors had to be present for construction crane erections or
jumps, as they are called. Now the city inspectors perform random inspections instead.
Causes of Crane Collapses and Falls
Many factors can be the underlying cause of a crane collapse or fall, such
as the following:
- Working in high winds
- Electrical wire contact
- Falls during crane jumps or dismantling
- Mechanical failures
- Equipment failures
- Poor rigging
- Failing to adequately secure loads
- Overloading
- Crane design defects
- Operator errors
- Operator negligence
- Lack of operator training
- Uncertified operators
Determining Liability
Once investigators determine the underlying cause of the accident, then
further analysis can identify liable parties. In many accidents, negligence
on the part of multiple parties leads to crane collapse and resulting
injuries. Construction site supervisors often request the power to be
cut off during crane work. An electric company’s arbitrary decision
to turn the electricity back on can cause electrocution accidents. Crane
operators who are unaware or misjudge power lines may fail to clear them.
A general contractor who ignores high winds and pushes workers to meet
production targets can injure workers through crane collapse.
Once we gather and evaluate all the evidence, our attorneys can identify
who is liable and develop an effective case strategy to hold them accountable.
Common Injuries Resulting from Crane Accidents
Crane injuries frequently involve electrocution, which can cause severe
thermal burns and cardiac arrest along with muscle, tissue and nerve damage.
In the worst cases, it leads to a
wrongful death. Other injuries sustained in crane accidents result from blunt force trauma,
injuring the neck, back, head or limbs. Broken bones, concussions, internal
injuries, spinal cord injury or deep lacerations that sever muscles can
severely limit the worker’s ability to lead a normal life again.
Put Our Experience to Work for You
At Rubenstein & Rynecki, our attorneys work closely with injured workers
and their families to help them recover compensation. It costs you nothing
to discuss your accident with us and we may be able to help.
No recovery, no fee.
Contact us today for a free consultation.